Saturday, April 3, 2010


ppls questioned me all kinds of funny question when they see Caramel...
aiks...why do ppl thinks hedgehog is a dangerous pet?!
  • They are just simply adorable and have a raccoon-like face with lil black eyes and small noses.
  • They got NO relationship with porcupines, their quills are as sharp as u think and it remain attached to their body.
  • They have lil white tummy with soft and short and white hairs.
  • They curl up into ball when they got frighten . their spikes will STILL REMAIN on their body ..
  • They have a stubbly tail, but its rarely be seen because they keep it close to their backside.
  • They are a low maintenance pet.
  • They eat good quality cat food or specially formulated hedgehog food. meal worms can be fed as snack.
  • They are not smelly.
  • They dont bark . and they dont need any grooming.
  • They dont need to be taken for a walk.
  • They dont climb on and chew furniture and also your smelly slippers.
  • They only need to be fed and watered. Senang sekali.

p.s: for more info bout their species ,colors ,how to breed...Mr. Google will help you on that ...
updates on Caramel
Aunty Charlene gave her a new name . Mel-Mel .
i cut her nails and now she's safe-to-play.
she finally eats after few days of fasting...she likes worms so much and she exceeded her quota for a week in one more worms for her for the next 2 week.
she's naughty and strong! A ceramic bowl is bought for her , so that she dont spill the water everyday.
ahThan made a comfortable bed room and dining room for her... but she thought the dining room is toilet >.< She bathed few days ago...with my sunflower body shampoo...hmmm~ she smelled like sunflower for ONLY one day.
oh ya! ahThan and i had a lil 'cold-war' because of her...


Charlene.G @ 雪琳 said...

I spot the word "aunty" in front of my name!! Lolz~

I like to see it curling up like a ball~ cute!! xD

Fei Zi said...'re her aunty ...

she dun curl into ball d...i guess she already familiar with me , so not scared d..