Monday, November 9, 2009

my collection

i cleaned my room today >.< (actually only one part of my cupboard...)
i stopped because too many stuff to be rearranged...LOL


few layers of dust @.@
wipe away the dusts...
and i slowly opened the box..


**omg** i almost forget that i kept all this trash for so long ..
all 5566 and cyndi wang merchandise , albums, posters, DVDs.
wasted so much money in all these...
but i never regret ~~
thinking want to buy those recent albums (my "recent" is since 2005) that i left out or not ....
to make my collection "up-to-date"...
or or , keep the money for my trip?!



next week have to clean up another part of my cupboard again ~
wondering what rubbish can i find next >.<

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep ur money for trip la ...!!!